The new B2B platform
to raise the American Business!

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What is BOMEB?

Cloud E commerce for B2B scalability.

The new business-to-business platform, of e-commerce in the cloud, which would raise the competitiveness of the countries in the American continent and benefit all those self- employed , small, medium and large companies, by facilitating commercial alliances and trades.

BOMEB's main focus, objective and values ​​is to promote commercial alliances in a friendly, punctual, reliable and safe way by offering self-employed, small, medium and large entrepreneurs, advantages such as:

  • Promote regionally and internationally the business expansion.
  • Sales of their products free of charges.
  • Take advantage of international treaties for the import and export of goods..


Laudem latine persequeris id sed, ex fabulas delectus quo. No vel partiendo abhorreant vituperatoribus.

Promote local and international business

Expansion for individuals, small and large companies

Advertise in our platform

Based on the right and target market with the turnover sales reporter

Sales free of charges

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

Verification of existance and capacity of the suppliers

This will be another filter to secure the clients.

B2B secure transactions

Don't worry of not getting your product, you payment will be completed until you receive the merchandaise.

Estimate of international product

trade tariffs, encourage business with country partner markets

Why choose us?

Avoid hard times reaching new strategic alliances

When we realized that when trying to do some type of business, related to the purchase and sale of products in Mexico, it meant an extremely complicated process, due to the lack of contact channels to contact suppliers, and that today can be easily found in China, but due to the lack of web presence of these suppliers throughout the American continent, there is no practical, safe and reliable way to find companies or individuals, which supply the product, regional and internationally, within our continent.

The countries of the American continent, despite having a considerable number of international treaties and agreements, for the last 30 years in order to form very attractive commercial alliances, facilitating the exchange of goods and products in the continent, those agreements have not been exploited as it should , which results in the market not benefiting from the low or zero tariffs that could be paid on various products, affecting both to companies and to the final market, having to import from alternative markets, where it is easier to find suppliers, but with higher logistics and tariff products , thus reducing the development and competitiveness of the American continent, if you compare it to developed the world.

The countries of the American continent, despite having a considerable number of international treaties and agreements, for the last 30 years in order to form very attractive commercial alliances, facilitating the exchange of goods and products in the continent, those agreements have not been exploited as it should , which results in the market not benefiting from the low or zero tariffs that could be paid on various products, affecting both to companies and to the final market, having to import from alternative markets, where it is easier to find suppliers, but with higher logistics and tariff products , thus reducing the development and competitiveness of the American continent, if you compare it to developed the world.


Countries in America


Registered companies


Registered entrepreneurs


International trades per year


Let's try this new B2B platform to increment my sales!


As we can see, Mexican imports have a clear focus on the United States, representing almost 250 billion dollars and approximately 57% of the total. This great exchange is mainly because the United States is its neighboring country and one of the main producers in the world, but Mexico is the country with the largest number of free trade agreements in the world and if we observe according to the information of treaties, Mexico is trade partner of more than 15 countries in the American continent, which establish preferential or zero tariffs, for an extremely large quantity of products, but as we can see, the next largest trading partner in the American continent is Canada, with a less than $ 20 billion usd, which represents only 2% of total annual imports, not to mention the extremely low trade with the next 8 countries.

Target Market and web traffic

According to our model and nature of the business, in the early stages, BomeB, will address manufacturing companies Mexico and the United States, taking advantage of the developed market and also promoting consumption in both countries, helping the small and large entrepreneurs seek to expand in order to mitigate the crisis in which we live. Together, these two countries have around 800,000 registered manufacturing companies , not counting all those self-employers, but are not incorporated as a company. In this way, as a goal , for our first year of operation, we plan to reach 1% or 8 thousand suppliers , focusing on the hope of achieving up to 100 thousand orders between customer and supplier. This market will expand exponentially year after year, encompassing most of the countries of the American continent.